Cyber Security Coalition



The Cyber Security Coalition

The Cyber Security Coalition is a unique partnership between players from the academic world, the public authorities, and the private sector to join forces in the fight against cybercrime. Currently more than 100 key players from across these 3 sectors are active members contributing to the Coalition’s mission and objectives.
Their Mission is to bolster Belgium’s cyber security resilience by building a strong cyber security ecosystem at national level. They do so by bringing together the skills and expertise of the academic world, the private sector and public authorities on a trust-based platform aimed at fostering information exchange and implementing joint actions.

The Cyber Security Coalition focuses on 4 domains:

o Experience Sharing - Sharing knowledge, best practices, threats & opportunities
o Operational Collaboration - Peer-to-peer collaboration within a trusted community.
o Policies recommendations - Issuing recommendations for more efficient policies and guidelines.
o Raising awareness - Campaigns to raise awareness amongst citizens and organizations.

Discover more on their website. 

Advantages for our Partner members

Members will have access to some of the dpo pro webinars, especially related to cybersecurity topics.

Advantages for the dpo pro members

Some events related to privacy will be open for free to our dpo pro members.  These events will be communicated on our dpo pro website.

dpo pro BE 0688.902.413
Rue des Sols 8 1000 Brussels

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