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Invitation to an Extraordinary General Meeting

Date(s) - 22/09/2020
18:00 - 19:00



Dear members,

As the required quorum was not reached for the Extraordinary General Meeting of September 8, you will be convened for a new Extraordinary General Meeting with the same agenda items.

This message is the official invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of 22 September 2020 at 6 pm, in the offices of RSM, Lozenberg 22 B3 in 1932 Zaventem with the following agenda:

  • Reception and composition bureau
  • Amendment of the Articles of Association
  • Composition of the new board of directors. Termination of the mandates of the current directors and discharge. Appointment of new directors.
  • Overview of upcoming events
  • miscellaneous

Regardless of the number of people present, the vote will take place this time.

Register below

If you are unable to attend, you can give a proxy to a participating member. Please return the enclosed proxy form, completed and signed, by e-mail to

DPOpro-Volmacht-Procuration.docx (1406 downloads )

See below the new version of the articles of association.

2020-Statuten-Coord-dpo pro-1.pdf (4 downloads )
2020-Statuts-Coord-dpo pro-1.pdf (18 downloads )

You can reserve the events scheduled for in your calendars

6 & 22 oktober – 4:00 PM
12 & 24 november – 4:00 PM
8 & 17 december – 4:00 PM

Best regards,

Koenraad Flamant           Florence de Villenfagne                Patrick Soenen

Voorzitter                          Ondervoorzitter                              Secretaris-Generaal



Bookings are closed for this event.

dpo pro BE 0688.902.413
Rue des Sols 8 1000 Brussels

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