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Webinar (NL) – “Dismissal and GDPR” By Isabel Plets

Date(s) - 06/06/2024
16:00 - 17:30


dpo pro invites you to his next Dutch speaking webinar on

June 6, 2024 @ 4:00 PM.

“Dismissal and GDPR”

Topic :

This webinar is the final installment in our HR and GDPR series, where we previously discussed the recruitment and employment phases. We follow the same structure concerning termination. Based on several frequently asked practical questions, we discuss this topic and provide guidelines on how to advise on it.

The following questions will be addressed:

  • What GDPR obligations does an employer have when terminating employment (referring to the employee, mailbox, etc.)?
  • How long should or can an employee file be retained after termination?
  • Does a former employee have the right to access all their personal data to prepare their case for the labor court?
  • Can an employer access a former employee’s mailbox and review their professional emails after termination?

Speaker: Isabel Plets

Isabel Plets is Of Counsel in the Employment, Pensions & Benefits practice at Lydian, with extensive knowledge of Belgian and European labor law.

Specializing in HR data protection and privacy, Isabel guides clients on GDPR compliance, advises on HR processes, and serves as a certified DPO. She assists in drafting policies, manages data breaches, and liaises with the Data Protection Authority.

She advises on well-being and HR aspects, both during employment and termination, helping implement HR processes such as absenteeism policies, reintegration, and diversity programs.

Isabel is responsible for Knowledge Management in the EPB practice and lectures in labor law at Ghent University and VIVES University College. She contributes to legal journals and seminars on labor law topics.

She is a member of the Brussels bar and various advisory committees on employment activities and psychosocial risks.


Presentation: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Registration & Price Here

Free for dpo pro members – 60 € for non-members

For the non-members : please pay the amount of participation to dpo pro (60,00 €) on the account of the Professional Union dpo pro: BE91 7310 4568 7476 and mention your full name + name of Event


!! NOTE: members of dpo connect are  NOT necessarily members of dpo pro !!

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Best regards,

The dpo pro team

dpo pro BE 0688.902.413
Rue des Sols 8 1000 Brussels

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