We have had a great networking evening yesterday with Mr. David Stevens, Chairman of the Data protection Authority, being our special guest. The chairman was relax, open to all questions and really listening to the audience and the issues the DPO’s are facing. Mr. Stevens provided the first information he could share about the strategic plan that will become public at the end of the month: privacy becoming a reality will be the key word for the next 5 years. This will be realized by 1) empowering citizens to protect their privacy and 2) clarifying and applying the rules.
Priorities will be set on several sectors, on the development of GDPR instruments and on societal challenges. We could not obtain more information about which sectors would be at stake, but as a matter of fact this will include the SME’s of the sectors.
Privacy cannot be there only for the happy few, continued the Chairman of our supervisory authority. Mrs Pavlina Peneva, in charge of the communication to the SMEs, explained then what the DPA will newly develop for SME’s: toolboxes, models, reviewing the data breach notification formulaire are in the pipeline. The Boost project will start in 2020. The development of a lot of practical tools are foreseen.
Find here the presentation from the DPA