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Brexit: which consequences for data flows to the UK?

Brexit: which consequences for data flows to the UK?

Brexit: which consequences for data flows to the UK? No one can be unaware that the United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January this year. But what are the consequences for the protection of personal data? Here’s a quick overview of the rules to bear in mind. Does the GDPR still apply in the UK?  Yes, until 31 December 2020 the GDPR will continue to apply. This has been included in the withdrawal agreement. Are there any formalities…

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Renewal of your membership for 2020

We invite you to renew your membership for 2020. Transfer the annual membership fee of dpo pro, € 195, to the account of the professional association dpo pro: BE91 7310 4568 7476 with the announcement “Membership costs 2020 – Surname and first name + company name (if applicable)”. Do not forget to also register on the dpo pro website, so that you can access the member area. The professional association, which is exempt from VAT, cannot issue invoices. Nevertheless, we…

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Network evening: A privacy protective cloud:

Yesterday’s event ended the year 2019 in style at the IBM Client Center in Brussels. First, we were given a guided tour of the building, with a presentation on several of the products IBM had been developing in fields such as AI, quantum computing and blockchain. Second, Ms. Jolien Ghysemans, Data Protection Officer of the Data Protection Authority, provided us with an original introduction into her personal experiences as a Data Protection Officer. On the tunes of Abba, she introduced…

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Networking evening with David Stevens President of DPA

We have had a great networking evening yesterday with Mr. David Stevens, Chairman of the Data protection Authority, being our special guest. The chairman was relax, open to all questions and really listening to the audience and the issues the DPO’s are facing. Mr. Stevens provided the first information he could share about the strategic plan that will become public at the end of the month:  privacy becoming a reality will be the key word for the next 5 years. This…

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