Dear Madame,
Dear Sir,
Dear Member,
We would like to thank all of you for your presence & thank Mrs Sybille Llosa, Personal Data Protection at Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, Mr Olivier De Doncker, Co-president of the FeWeb and Mr Bart Van den Brande, Managing Partner at Sirius Legal Business Law Firm, for their presentation.
Following the presentation, dpo pro wants to share the presentation & his 3CX recording with you:
Presentation: 20210223-DPOpro-Webinar-Cookies-SybilleLlosa.pdf (62 downloads ) – 20210223-DPOpro-Webinar-Cookies-Olivier-dedoncker.pdf (37 downloads ) – 20210223-dpo pro-Webinar-cookies-BartVandenBrande.pdf (38 downloads )
Recording: Link-recording.pdf (56 downloads )
Kind regards,
dpo pro Team